
Ecopsychology & Community

Essential Oils: The Essence of Clean and Well-being

The early Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau somewhat inspire our philosophy at Koala Eco. Followers of this movement believed immersion in the sights, sounds and smells...

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Hard at work, loving and raising the world.

Hard at work, loving and raising the world.

Often hailed as a day to honour the profound role of motherhood, this occasion can be a challenging time for many of us. It resonates...

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Why going out into nature is really ‘going in'

Why going out into nature is really ‘going in'

Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilised people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity; that...

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Get outside and catch spring fever

Get outside and catch spring fever

One attraction in coming to the woods to live was that I should have leisure and opportunity to see the spring come in … at...

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Ten things we love about this amazing ‘Experiment in Green’

Ten things we love about this amazing ‘Experiment in Green’

‘I cannot meet the spring unmoved –’[1] wrote poet Emily Dickinson (1830–1886). She called spring an ‘Experiment in Green.’[2] We agree! It’s impossible not to feel...

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Sunday "Reset" and Refill

Sunday "Reset" and Refill

Sundays offer an opportunity to refresh and prepare for the upcoming week, and what better way to do so than by organising? We understand that...

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Allergic to pollen and synthetic fragrance, not to spring!

Allergic to pollen and synthetic fragrance, not to spring!

One of the things just a little less ideal about spring is that, for many of us, it’s allergy season. The sap is rising, the...

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Shake your house this springtime!

Shake your house this springtime!

When the long grey months of winter are over, and the first green shoots start pushing up through the soil, the arrival of spring feels...

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Lean into cleaning this spring

Lean into cleaning this spring

As the cooler months draw to a close, why not take a cue from the season? A time of renewal and rejuvenation, spring gives us...

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We but mirror the world. Celebrating International Women's Day

We but mirror the world. Celebrating International Women's Day

Inclusion is the inspiration—and the aspiration—for International Women’s Day 2024 It's International Women’s Day on Friday, March 8. Though we don’t need a special day...

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