
Ecopsychology & Community

Essential Oils: The Essence of Clean and Well-being

The early Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau somewhat inspire our philosophy at Koala Eco. Followers of this movement believed immersion in the sights, sounds and smells...

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Helena Vestergaard

Helena Vestergaard

How Helena finds her ‘natural reset’ moments We’re thrilled to welcome our very first contributor to Minding Nature, Koala Eco’s new, regular thread where we talk...

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Making your home naturally holiday-ready

Making your home naturally holiday-ready

We can hardly believe the holiday season is nearly upon us, and we’re close to the time of year when our guest rooms fill up...

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Deep Cleaning Makeup Brushes and Other Unexpected Uses For Koala Eco Cleaners

Deep Cleaning Makeup Brushes and Other Unexpected Uses For Koala Eco Cleaners

If you’re enjoying the refreshing aroma of eucalyptus in the bathroom and lemon myrtle wafting through the kitchen, you’ll be pleased to know Koala Eco’s...

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Our Founding Story

Our Founding Story

Brought together by a love of nature and a shared passion for the environment, co-founders Jessica and Paul’s story spans the densely urban surroundings of...

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Books For Nature

Books For Nature

We're big believers that the escapist beauty of literature is one that grows when shared. So, in the interest of fostering a culture of reading,...

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Living Sustainably: More Than Cleaning

Living Sustainably: More Than Cleaning

At Koala Eco, eco-friendly isn’t merely a property we ascribe to our products, it extends to every facet of our life. In pursuit of treading...

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An Hour in Nature

An Hour in Nature

As Koala Eco has grown as a company, and our products have continued to receive such a great reception, we’ve also been thinking deeply—as individuals...

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Now Available At Erewhon

Now Available At Erewhon

We are thrilled to announce Koala Eco is now sold in all Erewhon stores across California. Known for their healthy, fresh foods and focus on...

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Natures Makes You Kinder

Natures Makes You Kinder

I was recently sent an article that resonated deeply with me about the physical and mental benefits of spending time in nature. I think we...

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